Home Visit Based Counselling To Address Psycho Social Factors For Non- Compliance In A Case Of Hypertension: A Case Study From Rural Panchkula, Haryana

  • Kanica Kaushal
  • Arun Kumar Aggarwal
Keywords: Hypertension, Depression, Compliance, Trans theoretical Model


This is a case of Hypertension, where patient turned non-compliant due to tragic circumstances at home that shattered her completely. Home visits helped to understand the issue and arrange expert psychiatrist counselling and treatment for her severe depression. This helped to pull her out towards normality and she became compliant to treatment of Hypertension as well. This case study demonstrates extra edge that Community Medicine Speciality has, to treat cases in holistic circumstances compared to clinic oriented care only. Case has been discussed in context of various theories of behaviour Change Communication.

How to Cite
Kaushal, K., & Aggarwal, A. (2019). Home Visit Based Counselling To Address Psycho Social Factors For Non- Compliance In A Case Of Hypertension: A Case Study From Rural Panchkula, Haryana. International Journal of Health Systems and Implementation Research, 2(2), 41-45. Retrieved from https://ijhsir.ahsas-pgichd.org/index.php/ijhsir/article/view/22