International Scientific Indexing
International J Health Systems and Implementation Research
Vol 5 No 2 (2021)International J Health Systems and Implementation Research encourages articles that can impact health policy and implementation. We understand that even a small case study from a community health practice field area by a graduate or postgraduate student may have strong message. It is not necessary for implementation researchers to have robust study designs. We welcome viewpoints, policydebates by the senior researchers. In this issue very good original articles have been published that is the outcome of thesis work of various scholars.
International J Health Systems and Implementation Research
Vol 4 No 3 (2020)International J Health Systems and Implementatipn Research is committed to publish the experiences of young researchers, howsoever trivial these may be, to encourage the Implementation Research and give them publishing experience.
International J Health Systems and Implementation Research
Vol 8 No 1 (2024)The current issue of the International Journal of Health Systems and Implementation Research, unveils a diverse array of subjects having an important bearing on healthcare services and policies that are crucial to the overall health and well-being of the society. The editorial titled ‘Importance of GHG Accounting: A Public Health Imperative in Climate Action’, explores the potential and significance of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) accounting in promoting climate action and public health, through emission reduction and disease prevention.
The perspective shared in view point on vaccination coverage and inequalities in India (2011-2024) sheds light on the glaring contrasts in vaccination rates among various regions and social classes in India, underlining the necessity for targeted interventions to bridge these inequalities. The review article on India's public policy guidelines and programs for the welfare of its senior citizens delves into the hurdles faced by the ageing community in India, evaluating current policies and advocating for innovative strategies to cater to the increasing demands of more than 138 million senior citizens. A short review on conflict management in healthcare settings, emphasizes the significance of identifying and managing conflicts that frequently arise in the intricate healthcare setting. One of the original articles on epidemiological investigation of acute diarrheal disease outbreak in Chhattisgarh, examines a recent outbreak linked to contaminated water in rural area of Chhattisgarh state, stressing the urgency of improved hygiene and water safety through effective water surveillance. Another original article highlights the stakeholder’s perception of digital payment in a public hospital in India and uncovers the obstacles for the low usage of digital payments due to hesitancy and related challenges. The study suggests incentivizing digital payments, and marketing them as a part of inclusive financial growth. Another original research focuses on the needs assessment of trolleys for optimized patient flow in the outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital in India. It highlights the use of tracking mechanisms with the use of CCTV and artificial intelligence so that the availability of existing trolleys can be tracked for smoother patient care. The last original article of this issue focuses on identifying the prevalence and correlates of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) among students delves into GERD among undergraduate students in a North Indian city. Lifestyle modifications are recommended by the authors in the form of removal of risk factors among students to maintain healthy patterns and balance between study & life. -
International J Health Systems and Implementation Research
Vol 4 No 1 (2020)In wake of Covid-19 Pandemic, there are lot of experiences related to varied facets of Covid-19. We are sharing some of the eperiences in this issue. We will release one more issue soon to cover more experiences on Covid-19.
International J Health Systems and Implementation Research
Vol 7 No 1 (2023)The current issue of the International Journal of Health Systems and Implementation Research have seen a sizable increase in the submission of articles by researchers and various scholars that can impact health policy and implementation. The current edition includes an editorial on Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI), which is a landmark for understanding India’s ageing population. The issue includes a number of viewpoints ranging from the one which highlights the need for an army of public health workers to combat the growing wrath of viruses in the 21st century to the ones that focus on the public health concern revolving Swine Flu influenza and highlight the shortfalls for strengthening India’s health system. There is an interesting short review on Artificial intelligence (AI), one of the very promising tools that has the potential for early detection of epidemic causes and outbreaks of infectious diseases. Another short review in the field of mental health highlights the state of research on giftedness and gifted education. The issue further includes original research articles from a wide range of topics i.e. impact of Government-e-Marketplace (GeM) on procurement compared to conventional methods in a public hospital in India and a psychological probe that includes sleepiness among taxi drivers. Additionally, two cross-sectional studies focus on the assessment of the health insurance coverage in the state of Haryana and the other one on the prevalence of insomnia and its impact on daily function among mid-aged population of Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
International J Health Systems and Implementation Research
Vol 6 No 1 (2022)This issue has an Editorial on Econometrics. This is good orientation to health system researchers about role of econometrics in Public Health. There are articles on use of technology for realtime supervision in situations of massive surveys in short period of time, Health Insurance, and Open Defecation. There is interesting case study on procurement challanges and Community screening for Retinopathy.
International Journal of Health Systems and Implementation Research
Vol 8 No 2 (2024)The current journal issue brings together significant articles that delve into critical aspects of public health challenges and innovations, offering insights into caregiving, digital healthcare transformations, healthcare workforce dynamics, and disease management.
The editorial titled ‘Caring for Older Caregivers: Managing Depressive Symptoms and Stress among Family Caregivers of Persons with Severe Mental Illnesses (PwSMI)’ addresses the often-overlooked emotional and physical toll on caregivers of individuals with severe mental illnesses. Highlighting the cultural nuances of caregiving in South and Southeast Asia, the article underscores the pressing need for psychoeducation, community support, and systemic healthcare resources to alleviate caregiver burden and improve outcomes for caregivers and patients. With mental health disorders affecting millions globally, this article calls attention to the critical role of family caregivers and the necessity of prioritizing their well-being especially in the Indian context.
The viewpoint on ‘Digitalization of ASHA Work: Enhancing Efficiency or Jeopardizing Quality and Transparency?’ examines the digital transformation of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) in India, particularly in non-communicable disease screening. While digital tools promise enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and transparency, the article identifies barriers such as limited digital literacy, data integrity concerns, and inadequate incentive structures. The analysis emphasizes the importance of robust support systems to ensure that digitalization enhances, rather than undermines, the quality of healthcare delivery at the grassroots level.
In the short review article, ‘The Growing Burden: Workload on Community Health Officers,’ the authors explore the escalating responsibilities of Community Health Officers (CHOs) in rural and underserved areas. The study highlights how clinical duties, administrative tasks, and insufficient support from Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) exacerbate CHOs' workload, potentially compromising efficiency and well-being. The article advocates for clearer role delineation, structured guidelines, and greater accountability to mitigate these challenges and optimize primary healthcare services.
The research article, ‘A Formative Study to Analyse Awareness, Knowledge, and Utilisation Gap about ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) at a Tertiary Care Health Setting,’ evaluates the awareness and utilization of the Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) in Chandigarh. Despite creating 8.6 lakh ABHA IDs in the region, usage remains negligible, indicating a significant knowledge gap among the population. The study highlights the need for targeted information campaigns, particularly through social media, to enhance understanding and adoption of this digital initiative aimed at universal health coverage.
Lastly, the research article ‘Non-Adherence to Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment Among Newly Diagnosed Tuberculosis Patients Treated Under DOTS in District Raipur, Chhattisgarh’ explores the reasons behind non-adherence to tuberculosis treatment. Factors such as drug side effects, alcohol consumption, and migration are identified as major contributors. The study emphasizes the need for patient education on disease transmission, preventive measures, and treatment adherence to curb the spread of tuberculosis and improve patient outcomes.
Together, these articles provide a comprehensive overview of key public health issues, emphasizing the need for systemic improvements, community engagement, and tailored interventions to address healthcare and health system challenges effectively.
International J Health Systems and Implementation Research
Vol 4 No 2 (2020)This is special issue of the journal to accomodate articles related to Covid-19 Pandemic. Regular issues are published in June and December every year.
International J Health Systems and Implementation Research
Vol 7 No 2 (2023)This issue of the International Journal of Health Systems and Implementation Research comprises articles that delve into crucial issues that carry potential implications for health policy and implementation. These articles focus on various topics, including financial capability assessment, measles, SDG review, afferent turnaround time, menstrual hygiene, health outcome framework, and maternal death review. The current edition features an editorial addressing the evaluation of financial capability among family caregivers of individuals coping with severe mental illness. It highlights the significant impact on caregivers, emphasizing the persistent nature of conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. It also sheds light on the difficulties faced by individuals with limited income in India. The viewpoint published in this edition centers on the surge in measles cases, highlighting the immediate necessity for health authorities to probe into its contributing factors. It underscores that the emergence of one vaccine-preventable disease prompts inquiries into the status of other such vaccines and their immunization coverage. A compelling short review presented in the issue focuses on the midterm evaluation of SDG-3 in Himachal Pradesh. Another interesting short review is on Mohalla clinic cum portable cabin model, which is now being adopted as one of the emerging healthcare models for changing the phase of community healthcare services. The examination exposes a varied trajectory of progress, showcasing successes in specific targets and deficiencies in others. The issue incorporates interesting original articles, including a cross-sectional study on Menstrual Hygiene Practices among Rural Women in the Kumaon Community in Uttarakhand. It highlights the essential requirement for accurate menstrual information. Another original article focusing on the afferent turnaround time for Indian states during the COVID lockdown brought attention to sizable disparities among smaller and larger states and Union territories. A policy debate featured in the issue underlines the need to move from WHO's Health Systems Framework to the Health Outcome framework that encompasses not only the health system but also considers social determinants of health. The edition also features a study protocol employing a mixed-method approach involving quantitative analysis of secondary data from Maternal Death Surveillance and Response, along with qualitative data gathered from in-depth interviews and surveys.
International J Health Systems and Implementation Research
Vol 6 No 2 (2022)From this issue onwards Dr Tanvi Kiran, has taken over as Managing Editor of the journal. She is an Econometrist. The current edition has an editorial on 'Geospatial Technology' in the health care sector, one of the very promising tools which, offers the ability to map health indicators, spatial distribution of disease clusters and also investigate the health delivery system ,this issue also includes the research articles from a wide range of topics i.e. examining the prevalence and determinants of exclusive breast feeding in India using NFHS-5 data, practice of social distancing among health care workers in rural Andhra Pradesh, KAP study on COVID-19 among the school and college students of Chandigarh. Additionally, two case studies on self management of puberty related health problems in the adolescent girls in a tertiary health care setting and Managing Schizophrenic patient via Telepsychiatry during Covid-19 have shown to be an effective strategies.