This issue of the International Journal of Health Systems and Implementation Research comprises articles that delve into crucial issues that carry potential implications for health policy and implementation. These articles focus on various topics, including financial capability assessment, measles, SDG review, afferent turnaround time, menstrual hygiene, health outcome framework, and maternal death review. The current edition features an editorial addressing the evaluation of financial capability among family caregivers of individuals coping with severe mental illness. It highlights the significant impact on caregivers, emphasizing the persistent nature of conditions like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. It also sheds light on the difficulties faced by individuals with limited income in India. The viewpoint published in this edition centers on the surge in measles cases, highlighting the immediate necessity for health authorities to probe into its contributing factors. It underscores that the emergence of one vaccine-preventable disease prompts inquiries into the status of other such vaccines and their immunization coverage. A compelling short review presented in the issue focuses on the midterm evaluation of SDG-3 in Himachal Pradesh. Another interesting short review is on Mohalla clinic cum portable cabin model, which is now being adopted as one of the emerging healthcare models for changing the phase of community healthcare services. The examination exposes a varied trajectory of progress, showcasing successes in specific targets and deficiencies in others. The issue incorporates interesting original articles, including a cross-sectional study on Menstrual Hygiene Practices among Rural Women in the Kumaon Community in Uttarakhand. It highlights the essential requirement for accurate menstrual information. Another original article focusing on the afferent turnaround time for Indian states during the COVID lockdown brought attention to sizable disparities among smaller and larger states and Union territories. A policy debate featured in the issue underlines the need to move from WHO's Health Systems Framework to the Health Outcome framework that encompasses not only the health system but also considers social determinants of health. The edition also features a study protocol employing a mixed-method approach involving quantitative analysis of secondary data from Maternal Death Surveillance and Response, along with qualitative data gathered from in-depth interviews and surveys.


Published: 2023-12-31

Original Article