Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy to Insufficiency in India; A Public Health view on Covid-19 Vaccination in India
Covid 19 Vaccine Hesitancy to Insufficiency
Covid vaccine hesitancy, Covid-19 vaccine, Covid vaccine Shortage;
Vaccine hesitancy in Covid-19 is one of the topmost global public health threats as per the World Health Organization. India is one of the leading producers of Covid-19 vaccine and started vaccinating its population from 16th January 2021. As expected there is a high prevalence of vaccine hesitancy among the public as well as health care workers. With the second wave of Covid-19, the uptake of vaccine has increased and has resulted in vaccine insufficiency. There is a need to bring out public health strategies to deal with this issue. This article discusses the feasible public health strategies to address this issue at the grass root level.
How to Cite
Samundeswari, G., Pradeep, K., Niranjan, R., & Newtonraj, A. (2021). Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy to Insufficiency in India; A Public Health view on Covid-19 Vaccination in India. International Journal of Health Systems and Implementation Research, 5(1), 50-53. Retrieved from
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